Swim Team Policies & Procedures
The following information outlines the policies and procedures for the Dad’s Club Swim Team.
Additional information and forms, along with complete registration information, can be found in your ACTIVE parent portal.
Membership and Fees
- I understand that membership and/or swim team payment is my responsibility.
- Convenience and/or Processing fees are the actual cost of transactions charged to Dad’s Club Aquatic Center by merchant banks through our club-management systems.
- DCST will accept automatic monthly payments that are set up on an auto-draft through the club management system, in which case I authorize my bank and/or credit card company to honor the pre-authorized electronic funds transfer for membership payments and/or contributions.
- I am obligated to a $60 return check fee or declined payments for drafts, credit cards, or checks.
- DESPITE ANNUAL RE-REGISTRATION, I understand that my membership at Dad's Club is continuous until 60 days after electronic 60 day notification has been received by the Dad's Club Swim Team via the website at www.dadsclub-swimteam.com.
- Annual Swim Team/facility development fees/ membership payments are not refundable under any circumstances. The following training groups require a one year commitment (annual or 12 months payment). Gold, National, National prep.
- I understand that my child(ren) may not be allowed to participate in Swim Team activities if my account is past due for any fees.
- I understand that my child(ren) have a student membership to the club as part of his/her swim team monthly fee and that other family members may use the facility only if I upgrade to a family membership--available online for a nominal additional fee.
- I understand that the Board of Directors may, at its discretion, auto-debit members for Board-approved facility and/or energy surcharges.
Inclement Weather Notifications
The home page of our website is the location to check for any weather-related changes. When a weather alert is in effect for Dad’s Club, an inclement weather box will appear at the top of the page. Click the box for specifics.
No inclement weather box=no closures or cancellations are in effect.
Swim Team
- I understand that I must register my swimmer(s) with USA Swimming directly. I will be provided a registration link to my email address on file. Swimmers must be registered to participate in any team practice or activity. Refunds will not be offered to those who do not adhere to registration guidelines and the 60 day notice policy will apply to payments.
- My child(ren), my family, and I have read and agree to abide by the Dads Club Swim Team Code of Conduct, Anti-Bullying Policy, Concussion Policy, Photography Policy, and Orientation guidelines and Safesport information. Reference materials may be printed and all materials can be found anytime on our website at dadsclubaquatics.com
- As the parent/legal guardian of the swimmer I give permission to have pictures and information regarding my swimmer to be displayed on the Dad's Club Swim Team website, Dads Club's social media platforms, and local print media. I can withdraw photography consent with written notice.
- As the parent/legal guardian of this minor child, I hereby authorize the Dad's Club Swim Team staff or team representative to seek medical or surgical treatment for the child, as is deemed necessary in order to assure the safety of the child.
- I understand that swim team schedules and notices are posted on dadsclubaquatics.com and this is the primary method of various notifications including upcoming meets, meet entries, meet times, and meet fees.
Swim Meets
- I understand that it is my obligation to pay meet entry fees as per the corresponding Meet Announcement(s). Typically, these range from $5.00-15.00 per individual event and a meet fee and a travel surcharge--depending on the meet. Relay meet entries will be billed according to the entries made by the coaches.
- Coaches' travel expenses for meets in the Houston Metro Area will incur a travel surcharge of $5. Charges for coaches travel outside the Houston Metro area will be split between the meet participants and billed to the swimmers accounts.
Mandatory Service Hours
I understand that my participation as a parent volunteer is mandatory. I will abide by the volunteer/service-hour policy established by the Board of Directors. Currently, the policy requires Swim Team families to volunteer at least 10 hours (points) per swimmer per year or pay a fee of $500 Any penalties for failure to meet the volunteer/service-hour policy will be auto debited to my credit card or bank account on file at the end of the year or prorated if I leave sooner.
I agree to follow the parking and pick up rules posted for the club. This includes no parking/waiting/pickup/stopping/waiting on the city streets of Spring Valley Village around the club. I understand the organization may discontinue my membership with no refunds a warnings for failure to follow the rules set out by the organization.
The Dad’s Club has two fund raising campaigns per year. All facility members and swim team families are encouraged to support the effort.
- White/Blue/Bronze/Silver/Senior: I fully understand the obligation to give a 60-day electronic notice, as noted in Membership above. We understand that paying an annual fee could be difficult. We are providing monthly payment options.The stop date for auto debits will be the first of the month following the end of the 60-day notice. No prorated or partial monthly fees are issued.
- Gold, National Prep and National training groups require a 1-year commitment. We understand that paying an annual fee could be difficult. We are providing monthly payment options. This swimmer's commitment must be for 1 year (from August 1 to August 1). No refunds will be allotted for this group.
- I understand that there is absolutely no refund on my annual registration fees or annual facility development fees, regardless of the circumstances.
Release of Liability
On behalf of myself and/or my family, do hereby release and hold harmless the Dad's Club Swim Team, Dad's Club Aquatic Center Inc, and it's employees, agents, officers and directors of any liability resulting from use of any of the facility, parking lot or grounds by myself or member of my family.
I acknowledge that use of any equipment, pools, or related physical activity-regardless of the presence of staff, including safety staff, coaches, or teachers—is at my own risk. I understand it is my responsibility to educate my child in parking lot and swimming pool safety.
I am solely responsible for the safety of myself, my family, my vehicle, my property while at the Dad's Club Aquatic Center facilities.
I understand that open Board meetings are held monthly, as noted on the website. Currently, these are held on the third Monday evening of each month at 6:30pm.