swim team service requirements
Service hours are required of every family with swimmers on the Swim Team, and Dad’s Club currently requires a ten-hour service commitment. If we’re not able to provide enough opportunities for service hours as the season progresses, we may lower the requirement.
The swim year begins in August after the summer break, and it ends at the end of July. Below is the breakdown for the required hours and the fee for not working any hours. The fee is prorated for any hours earned that are less than the full requirement at a cost of $50 per missing hour.
Hours required
Fee For 0 hours
Full Year
Short Course Only
Long Course Only
how to earn your hours
The vast majority of available service hours can be earned at swim meets. When Dad’s Club is attending a swim meet, you may serve as a lane timer, and this is a great way to fulfill your service hours. When Dads Club is hosting a Gulf swim meet, many more jobs are available to earn service hours, such as concession sales, awards desk, announcer, head timer, runner, safety monitor, etc.
Occasionally, there are a few opportunities to work volunteer or service jobs outside of swim meets, such as the Swim Marathon, Hot Chocolate Fridays or Volunteer Days. We also have volunteer opportunities for committee membership and projects. Please note that non-meet service opportunities are less common, compared to those available at swim meets. You will receive emails for every job opportunity as they become available
Become a Lane Timer
Dad's Club Swim Team is required to provide a certain number of timers for every meet. To comply with this requirement, the following procedure is to be adhered to by the parents of participating swimmers. (Please note that lane assignments are typically posted by Gulf Swimming on Tuesday or Wednesday prior to a meet.)
- As soon as lane assignments are published, an online sign-up sheet will be prepared by the webmaster and published via a link at the top of the Meets & Results page. Time is of the essence, so if no sign-up sheet is posted yet and you see the respective warm-up document at the Gulf Swimming site, please alert the meet manager.
- Once the online sign-up sheet is prepared, an email is sent to all parents reminding them of their duty and pointing to the online sign-up sheet.
- Parents are expected to sign-up for timing every other meet for every child (see Agreement).
- If time slots remain vacant one day ahead of the start of the meet, then the timing duties may have to be assigned by Dad's Club.
- Parents not able to fulfill the assigned duties have the responsibility to find replacement(s), e.g., if a slot needs to be vacated with less than two days’ notice.
Ready to take your position on the side of the pool?
Learn How to Be a Lane TimerBecome an official
Officials are critical to the success of our swim meets. They keep things running smoothly and efficiently. Anyone can learn how to be an official, and positions include Stroke and Turn officials, Starters, and Meet Referees. You can become an official by reading the USA Swimming Rules book, attending clinics and through on-the-job training. You can choose to officiate at all swim meets, or only those that your swimmer attends, and you can take up a post for a whole meet, one session or even part of a session.