Dad’s club annual swim marathon AND fall fundraiser
The Dad’s Club Annual Swim Marathon is a fall fundraiser in which over 500 Dad's Club members and swimmers, of all ages and skill levels, complete an endurance swim. Each marathon is organized around a theme, and donations help maintain, restore and refurbish our facility.
Your support helps us continue to serve the community and uphold our reputation for swimming excellence.
support a swimmer
Swim Team Swimmers
Each swimmer on our Swim Team is obligated to raise at least the training team minimum:
White/Blue: $150 Bronze/Silver/Gold/Senior/National Prep/National: $200
In lieu of active fundraising, Swim Team swimmers may elect to bill funds to their account. Please make us aware if you wish to apply an amount to your account in support of your fundraising goals.
Swim Start Swimmers
Every Swim Start Swimmer who donates $75 or more will receive a Dad’s Club Swim Marathon T-shirt.
Adult Swimmers
Any Adult Swimmer who donates $75 or more will receive a Dad's Club Swim Marathon T-shirt. Adult swimmers may bill funds to their account.
show your spirit
Yard Sign:
Show your support of Dad’s Club by purchasing a yard sign!
Please note that yard sign purchases will not count towards a Swim Team swimmer's fundraising obligation.
Click here to order your yard sign now!
Give a shout-out during the Marathon! Your swimmer(s) can be recognized by the announcer with words of encouragement while they swim! Or you can give special thanks to a coach or other Dad’s Club staff member! You can purchase multiple shout-outs per form. Shout-outs are $10 each.
Please note that Shout-Out purchases will not count towards a Swim Team swimmer's fundraising obligation.